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The JLPT is a standardized test that assesses the Japanese language proficiency of non-native speakers. The test has five levels, N5 being the lowest and N1 being the highest. JLPT N4 specifically represents a basic level of proficiency in the Japanese language. Test-takers at this level are expected to have knowledge of around 300 kanji characters, about 1,500 basic Japanese words, and an understanding of simple grammar and sentence structures. Here is the structure of JLPT N4 exam:

Vocabulary and Kanji: This section tests candidates' knowledge of Japanese words and kanji characters. It includes    questions where test-takers must choose the correct word to complete a sentence or select the kanji with the appropriate meaning.

1.       Grammar: This section, you will encounter various sentence patterns and questions that assess your understanding of basic Japanese grammar. You should be familiar with common sentence patterns, verb forms, and particles used in everyday communication.

2.       Reading Comprehension: The listening section tests your ability to comprehend spoken Japanese in various everyday situations. You will need to read short passages, dialogues, and other text formats and answer questions based on the content.

3.       Listening Comprehension: The listening section tests your ability to comprehend spoken Japanese in various everyday situations. After each listening passage, you'll be required to answer multiple-choice questions based on what you heard.

The test duration and the number of questions for each section may vary from one administration to another, so it's essential to check the official JLPT website or reliable sources for the most up-to-date information regarding the exam structure, timing, and content distribution. Additionally, seeking guidance from language instructors or tutors can be beneficial in enhancing language skills and ensuring better performance on the exam.

More information about N4